
East asis


University of East Asia student web exhibition data
Number Name Major Course Taitle of work(Japanese) Taitle of work(English)
001 Kana Shiraga Course of Visual Design 四季 Four Seasons
002 Maho Miyazaki Course of Painting and Fine Arts 空廊架 Empty Corridor
003 Kazuyuki Tokuda Course of Painting and Fine Arts 樹という器 Tree as a Vessel
004 Misato Takegawa Course of Painting and Fine Arts 日常に隠れている何気ない幸せ Little Happinesses Hidden in The Everyday Life
005 Kim Gyeongwoo Course of Anime and Films Revenge Revenge
006 Hiroki Kobayashi Course of Visual Design Candy and Cigarettes Candy and Cigarettes
007 Hayato Jodoi Course of Visual Design Emotion Emotion
008 Maiko Nakamura Course of Visual Design Zitto Zitto
009 Misaki Miyamoto Course of Visual Design ソラウミ So Ra U Mi
010 Hiroshi Miyano Course of Anime and Films うちのお姉さん! My Elder Sister!
011 Momoe Shinhashi Graduate School ラ・ルーチェ La Luce
012 Lou Xi Graduate School 中国の京劇戯曲の芸術表現 Artistic Expressions in A Drama of The Peking Opera
013 Piromkripak Hataichanok Course of Visual Design ソコに立っていた Sokonitatteita
014 Yuki Sakaguchi Course of Visual Design Lost Vein Lost Vein
015 Asagi Hamachi Course of Visual Design 「のね」雑貨店「Onom」&「Tope」 The "None" General Store "Onom & Tope"
016 Mizuki Yoshioka Course of Anime and Films モリアゲンジャー Moriagenger
017 Kim Doyeon Course of Visual Design Travel in Daegu 2019 Travel in Daegu 2019
018 Lv He Graduate School 青年 A Young Man
019 Kim Taeyeong Course of Visual Design 旅行、そしてであい Travel and Encounter
020 Daichi Ebihara Course of Visual Design マンホール・ハンター The Manhole Hunter
021 Choi Eun Ho Course of Painting and Fine Arts インテリアと陶芸 Interior and Pottery
022 An Soohwan Course of Visual Design Armored Division Armored Division
023 Keito Miyamoto Course of Visual Design Avenger Avenger
024 Yu Kato Course of Painting and Fine Arts Image toward the Universe 1 Image toward The Universe 1